Thursday, May 7, 2009

Our first mandala is complete!!

Simply put, mandalas are an art form that have been found in ancient cave paintings and carvings. They are an expression that all elements of life and death - their power, rhythms, cycles and miracles occur in a circle. By using a steady hand to color in between the lines, the mind shifts into an awareness of the universe and aligns the body to be in sync with it. Tibetan Buddhist monks create them out of sand and after they're done, they destroy their beautiful masterpiece to show the impermanence of everything.

As mentioned in a previous blog entry, I declared that I was going to start doing mandalas as a practice of being in the moment with my baby and to condition my mind for labor. I did one today with nothing more than some simple sharpies and highlighters. Unfortunately, the final product was too big for the scanner and the edges got cut off, so just use your imagination to complete the circle. Its a simple design that took me about five hours and is well worth great sense of accomplishment I feel now. I'm sure there are more to come with complexity and intensity to increase as I get more proficient!

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