Thursday, April 19, 2012

Halfway There!

Today marks my 20th week of pregnancy, which means I'm halfway there! Time has really flown by especially recently since Danzo and I went on a trip to Seattle for two weeks. It was a great trip and I'm glad we went, but I think I'm done with any more big trips until the baby gets here. Trips are a lot of work and right now I want to shift my focus back to working on taking care of Danzo and being pregnant. I think we'll all be able to venture out into the world as a family of four around Christmas time.

I was looking over my blog from my last pregnancy and realized that around this time with Danzo, I went out and got a job! I have to say that I am so grateful to be more financially secure this time around so I can stay at home and do the work of a mom. No going out and getting a job for me! Yay! I'm thrilled about that! Another thing I'm thrilled about is the weather here is wonderful. I don't think I'll have to contend with those hot summer days like I did in the valley. Thank GOD!!! I'm actually looking forward to summer.

Right now, I'm totally immersed in the nesting experience. A combination of coming back from our trip to a house that lacked my touch for a couple weeks and reaching the halfway mark, awakened something in me to get ready. I spent all day yesterday clearing every single thing out of my bedroom closet and reorganizing it. I boxed up most of my clothes and replaced them with the new maternity clothes my mom bought me on the trip.

Today, I'm tackling the linen closet, doing some laundry, and organizing Danzo's millions of toys. If you have a nearly 3-year-old, you probably understand the massive undertaking the toy part is! That's okay because I am on a mission and anyone who gets in my way better watch out! Aside from the nesting, today I'm also starting some new daily physical and visualization exercises to get ready for the home birth. Looking forward to my visit with the midwife this Monday and the doula the following Monday. This train is really moving now... Full speed ahead!