Friday, April 17, 2009

Do We Really Need to Circumcise?

I'm sure there are many questions that will come up for us, but now that we know we're having a boy, my first big question is: Should he be circumcised? My partner's immediate answer is, "yes of course!" I ask for an explanation and he can't seem to give me one because he's never really thought about it. He simply says, "That's just what we do, I guess." I, on the other hand, am finding myself struggle with an answer because I believe that if he's born with it, why the hell slice it off? And in such a sensitive area!

I've done some research and know it is not medically necessary. Most people do it for religious reasons, the sake of convenience, or to simply fit in with society. As far as religion goes, I consider myself to be eclectic and have a strong connection with nature. I feel that the most natural and consistent action with my belief system would be to leave my son with what body parts he is born with. As far as fitting in with society, I'm not concerned with that either. I feel that there are more important issues to consider than simply fitting in.

So, then what about hygiene? Simple. As long as proper hygiene is exercised and instilled from an early age, there's no need to worry about infections. Furthermore, I want my son to have an active role in paying attention to and taking care of his body, including his penis. Any additional way he can feel connected with the functions of his body is a great thing. The more involved he is in taking care of himself, the happier he will be and the less likely he will get sick. After all, prevention is key to being healthy.

Like I said earlier, it is such a sensitive area. In the foreskin alone, there are thousands of nerve endings. This, to me would seem to enhance sexual sensation and to take it away would rob him of part of his sexuality. The other functions of the foreskin are very valuable also. It keeps the glans of the penis protected from the elements, prevents chafing and callousing, and provides a natural color in the glans by maintaining proper blood flow.

I can't even imagine inflicting such physical pain on him and to cause the emotional pain of taking away some benefits that nature has to offer from the gifts his body gives to him in his perfect state at birth. With my adamant feelings against the strong societal pressure that has instilled a belief that circumcision is "just what you do when you have a boy," I can see that this might be up for debate for a long time and will be a topic that re-emerges for the rest of the pregnancy and possibly beyond.

1 comment:

  1. If I had a chance to go back in time to my parents having this discussion, I'd kick my dad in the nuts for even suggesting he let some doctors strap me down as an infant and remove a healthy organ. And I'd kick him again on the ground and wouldn't let him get up until he apologized for even fucking suggesting it.
