Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hello Third Trimester!

This marks the official beginning of the final stretch! In more ways than one really. We've got about three months left and I'm starting to notice those pesky stretch marks around my belly. I'm sure I'll get plenty more where those came from now that he'll be growing really fast. Oh well, Nothing a little exercise, olive oil, and Burt's Bees belly butter won't take care of!

My last day of work for the school year was on May 21st so I've been enjoying some time off and making the most of every minute. I'm so grateful to have this time to get physically and mentally prepared for the home birth. I spend my days nesting and getting our home ready for the big day. I make most of our food from scratch, which is really fun since I love to cook so much. I get to do yoga, read, write, and work on art every day.

I signed a contract to go back to work next school year, but we're making the money from Cam's job stretch really well so far. I hope to keep it up so I don't have to go back to work. We already have medical coverage for D.L. and me through AHCCCS and I'm waiting to hear back on approval for Cam's coverage.

The WIC helps some with food, but I also went ahead and applied for food stamps too. I was raised to believe that people who get help from the state are just lazy and "working the system" so its been one emotional hurdle after another to accept that there are many reasons why people get help. Now, I can see that this help makes it possible for me to stay home and have the JOB of loving and nurturing my baby.

Of course I have my doubts and fears that come up from time to time, but that is completely natural in the process of coming to the realization that I've got the most challenging and satisfying job of my life waiting for me just around the corner. Just three more months...

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