Monday, March 26, 2012

Physical Health Update and Blessingway Ceremony

A couple weeks ago I had a little bit of a scare with spotting, but I got checked out and all is well. I have since started to feel the baby move around 15 weeks, which is happy and reassuring!

Today, I got together with both the midwife and doula for the first time. It was a good visit. We reviewed my urine stick and blood work. Everything looks really great. I'm adequately hydrated. 
(I should hope so since I've been drinking a gallon of water a day!) My iron level is great, not anemic, RH positive, blood pressure is 130/70. My weight gain since last month is about 3 pounds, which is steady and normal. The baby's heart rate is between 130 and 140.

We also talked about diet, supplements, herbs and exercise, which made me realize that the nutrients I'm putting into my body are pretty good, but I do need to exercise a little more. I'm doing plenty of Kegels, intermittent yoga and we walk to the lake once a week. I think if I create a schedule of exercise, I'll be more likely to stick to it. However, now that I'm going out of town for a couple weeks, it might be tricky. I guess my goal for now will be to try and integrate more activity into each day.

I am so excited that we set a tentative date in July for a Blessingway ceremony. I hope to have it the same weekend as Danzo's birthday, which is on July 29th. Maybe if I have two big events in one weekend, I can convince the people in my life to make it out to St. Johns to celebrate with me! I mean, how can you pass up celebrating the birth of my son along with the birth of my next in a weekend full of fun, ceremonies, and blessings? It will be a rare and special treat for anyone who makes the journey out here. Keep us in mind for the last weekend in July. I hope you can make it!

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