Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Keepin' up on the diet...

I’m 15 weeks along. I’ve been trying to concentrate more on my diet especially since I didn’t keep track of things like I should’ve last week. I have a daily chart where I break down everything that I eat so I can make sure I get all the proper components of the Brewer diet.

The main goal of the Brewer diet is to eat 60 – 100 grams of protein daily. Along with that are daily portion requirements for dairy, whole grains, green vegetables, other vegetables, fruits (particularly citrus for vitamin C), and a vitamin A source (yellow or orange fruit or vegetable), two eggs, and lots of water. I’m also supposed to eat a whole baked potato about 3-4 times a week and liver once a week. Also, salt is an important component in the blood, and pregnant ladies have a huge blood volume increase. To accommodate this, food should be seasoned to taste with salt.

The chart helps me keep all this stuff straight and helps me feel as if I’ve accomplished something at the end of the day. I’m doing pretty good on everything except the liver. I’ve bought some from the store in an effort to get the courage to cook it, but every time I took it out of the fridge, I put it right back. I guess I just can’t get past the bright red jiggling globs that remind me more of alien jello than a viable protein source. I think the only way I’m going to eat liver is if I can find a restaurant that can prepare it in a way I can stomach.

Last week, I missed a few days of my charting. This week, its my goal to fill out every single day and get back on track. It doesn’t sound like much, but it is monumental when the day-to-day business of being pregnant gets otherwise monotonous. Overcoming the roadblocks that get in the way of being as healthy as possible are a boost for my confidence and help me realize my mental strengths, which will in the end, help me have an easier labor.

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