I cannot believe how much stuff we have now! It seems that we have everything we need except for a stroller and Boppy pillow, which I can pick up with the gift certificates and checks we got.
Thank you Danielle and John for opening your home to everyone. Danielle took on everything from beautifully wrapping all the sent gifts to putting together such a nice party complete with blue decorations, food, and cupcakes. She also did a wonderful job as the official photographer!
Thank you to everyone for surrounding us with love and showering us with all the gifts that will make our lives easier with our new baby. We had such a good time and really felt the love and energy everyone brought!
Here's the gift table full of stuff that was sent through the mail from out-of-towners. Once people started showing up, we had so many gifts that we had to start a pile on the floor!
It was Cam's job to keep track of who gave us what...not an easy task! Good job Cam!
I even got a nursing gown!
Here Cam, your turn to open a gift. Hmmmmm... what is it?
Nursing pads! hahaha!
My favorite moment was seeing the look on Cam's face, when he opened a pair of preciously small newborn sneakers. "They're so tiny!" he said...
Who knew reusable diapers could bring so much happiness...
With a little help from Krew...
Overalls that say "Daddy's Caddy" How appropriate!
The Finch crew...
Good looks courtesy of mom... I dunno about that... check out the sweat I've worked up from opening so many packages!
Charm courtesy of dad...
You guys sure got alot of goods! It was sure nice of Danielle to do all that work! It was really cute to see Camerons face when he opened up the little shoes. He was priceless!
Wow! You totally made out with the gifts! Thats awesome! I wish I was there so badly but I'm glad I got a glimpse through the pics. Camerons face is priceless and you guys looked so happy. Glad everything turned out so well!